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“Earthing” Every Day this Week!                              20                                       

When’s the last time you walked around outside barefoot?  Have you ever noticed how great you sleep after a day of walking in the sand or being in the ocean?

Well, emerging science reveals that direct contact with the ground can have some pretty significant health benefits.

This might sound like something straight out of fringe science, but think about it… your body is actually an electrical being.  That’s why AED’s work when someone’s heart stops beating.

Our daily exposure to pollutants and modern technology such as Wi-Fi, electromagnetic waves and mobile phones can add high amounts of positive electrons (called free radicals) to build up in our bodies.

It’s believed that direct contact with the ground helps bring us back to a “neutral state” because the earth has a negative grounding charge.

Negative ions from the earth’s surface rush into our bodies to discharge the unpaired positive ions we’ve picked up.

Grounding, sometimes called “Earthing”, is said to help with:

So this week’s challenge is to try grounding at least once every day!  Are you in!? 

Yours in good health,
(508) 523-6143

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