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This is a good one.

When you’re eating, do you eat slowly and take the time to really enjoy and taste your meals?

If you’re like most people, you’re likely watching television, on your phone, playing on the computer…. or doing some kind of “multi-tasking.”

Since this is something the MAJORITY of us do these days, your challenge this week is to EAT WITHOUT DISTRACTIONS for at least one meal every day this week.

That’s right…when you’re eating, all you’re going to do is EAT.

Take the time to really savor your food – chew it thoroughly. Notice whether you actually enjoy it or not, and also pay attention to your body’s “I’m full” signals. It can have a powerful impact on your eating patterns for the rest of the day.

In fact, a study published by the American Society for Nutrition, found that people who played computer solitaire while eating lunch not only ate more, but they didn’t even remember what they ate… AND they ate more snacks later that day.

It even goes beyond that. When you slow down and are enjoy your meal, you actually digest your food more efficiently. Pretty neat how the body works.

Are you IN?

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