I Am Grateful

I Am Grateful

I love this week’s challenge because it puts everything into perspective … and I think you’ll love it for that reason, too.

Each night before bed – or each morning when you wake up – take a few minutes and write down 5 things you’re grateful for.

It doesn’t have to be a fancy or “profound” list. Just the simple act of thinking about the people, events, and things that you appreciate in your life can be a very powerful exercise.

Love your Egyptian cotton sheets because they make you feel like you’re sleeping on a cloud? Write that down. Love the way your dog looks at you when he gets up from a nap? Journal it! Had a great conversation with a family member today? You know the drill….

Gratitude brings a LOT of benefits into your life, including improved mental and physical health, self-esteem, better sleep, and mental strength.

A while back, I went to an amazing restaurant in San Diego called the Cafe Gratitude (100% vegan & organic)  If you find yourself in California, look them up ~ I so wish we had one near here!!  The picture above is my breakfast burrito ~ don’t you just love the plate!!  All of the menu items are given a name (ex. coffee is referred to as “couragous”, the burrito I had was called “nurtured”).  When ordering, they prefer that you say “I Am” followed by the name ~ what a great concept, instead of “I want”, my order was “I Am Nurtured”.  My clients will tell you that at the begining of any program they come up with an “I Am” statement for themselves.  This is specific to each person, so it can be whatever they like ~ my suggestions are to keep it relatively short and to the point and of course POSITIVE.

Do you regularly keep a gratitude journal? Are you on board with this gratitude practice this week? Let me know in a comment below! 🙂



Movement Challenge:  Let’s Get UPSIDE-DOWN!


This week’s challenge – if you choose to accept it – will give you an entirely new perspective on things!


That’s because it’s all about INVERSION (or being upside down!)


Why do inversions? Here are few great reasons to add them to your routine:


🧘🏻‍Yoga-style inversions can help build upper body strength and balance.

🧘🏻All inversions can help improve circulation to your brain and stop lymphatic fluid from pooling in your legs.

🧘🏻‍Being upside down gets you out of your comfort zone and can be fun!


Some people say it also helps them with back pain, although its efficacy with long-term pain hasn’t been proven yet in studies.


And don’t worry if being upside down seems a little scary… there are many ways to practice, depending on your needs and comfort level, so there are no excuses not to do it!


Here are a few great ones to try:

🤸🏻‍Assisted Inversions: lie on your back on the floor, with your legs extending UP a wall or over the top of a chair/couch cushion.

🤸🏻‍Yoga Inversions: begin with Downward Dog pose and work up to full-on headstands… check out this link for progressions: www.yogajournal.com/poses/turn-your-practice-upside-down-guide-to-inversions

🤸🏻‍Use an inversion table.


Are you going to join us? If so, which method are you going to choose? Let us know in the comments!

 (Note: if you have health concerns like hypertension, vision problems, migraines or heart disease, it’s a good idea to check with your doctor before doing any inversion therapies.)

Don’t Let Portion Be Your Poison

Don’t Let Portion Be Your Poison

Portion control is one of the BIGGEST contributing factors when it comes to reaching your goals.  Too much of anything is not a good thing.  

Watching your portion size can absolutely mean the difference between success and failure in any weight loss or fitness journey.

It’s a lot easier than you think!  A lot of it comes down to what’s right in front of you when you sit down to eat!  

Researchers in Australia studied 100 adults in a portion control study.  After educating the participants on “eating slowly” and eating only until they were full, the researchers gave one group a 600-gram portion of macaroni and tomato sauce and the other group 350 grams of the exact same meal.

 “Overall, the large-portion participants ate 34 percent more food than those given the smaller helping.” 

This goes to show that even if you’re educated and know how to eat slowly, most people will eat what’s right in front of them!  So the key here is to be mindful of what you put on your plate.  

Check out these tips for portion control… 

  1. Be mindful of what the actual serving sizes are for what you’re eating
  2. Measure and weigh your food until you have a solid idea of what a true portion looks like
  3. Use a smaller plate for your food or put less on a larger plate!
  4. Practice eating slowly and listening to your body
  5. Eat until you’re about 80% full

Follow this link for help with the portion control and size guide: www.webmd.com/diet/printable/portion-control-size-guide


Your challenge this week is to pay close attention to your portion sizes and to focus on eating a little bit slower!


Are you up for the challenge this week!?  Let me know in a comment below with your commitment!


Reference: hpq.sagepub.com/content/early/2013/03/06/1359105313478645.abstract

Fitness Challenge: S is for Strength

Fitness Challenge: S is for Strength

 Check out some of these stats…


Just 10 weeks of strength training (for as little as TWICE a week!) can boost your resting metabolism by 7%!! That’s because adults who don’t exercise lose between 3 percent and 9 percent of muscle mass each decade – which, in turn lowers their metabolism and boosts their fat mass. Lifting weights helps build muscle.

When it comes to long-term health, strength training can also help people better manage type 2 diabetes by cutting down on the fat around your organs and improving insulin sensitivity. 

In addition, strength training has been shown to reduce resting blood pressure, cut LDL (lousy) cholesterol level and triglycerides, and boost HDL (healthy) cholesterol. 

Plus, it can help prevent bone loss and has been shown to reduce age-related issues with skeletal muscle. 

Not only that but strength training can help you move better, improve your coordination, speed up your walking AND thinking pace, and improve your self esteem. 

What’s not to love about that?  This week we are going to get serious about strength training. 

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to complete TWO total-body strength-training workouts on non-consecutive days (best choice if you haven’t been doing any weight-training!). 

If you’re already used to strength training, do 3 to 4 workouts, making sure to hit all your major muscle groups at least once during the week.

Activity Challenge: Jump Rope!

Activity Challenge: Jump Rope!

Activity Challenge: Jump Rope

It’s GO TIME!  You’ve probably already guessed it, but this week’s challenge is to add some jump-rope back into the mix (if you’re not already doing it, of course!)  

If you’re not used to jumping rope, be patient!  There’s a definite learning curve.

Here are some tips: start with shorter intervals of jumping until your body gets used to the activity. Try to remain light on your feet and keep your knees soft as you land.


Quality jump ropes can also make a big difference as they allow you more control.


You can pick up a good one at most sporting goods stores as well as places like Walmart and Target. You also can buy ropeless jump ropes, which actually are only weighted handles, so you won’t smack yourself in the shins if you miss a jump!


And… if you want to jump with your “imaginary jump rope” that’s perfectly ok also ☺️

After warming up by briskly walking or doing a little cardio, put on some fun music and try jumping for 30 seconds and then resting for 30 seconds, for a total of 5 minutes. 

Voila! You just completed a 5-minute HIIT workout. 🙂 

👉The goal this week is to add jump roping into your routine at least twice this week.


Play around with your jump rope skills and have fun with it.  Mix up your jumps, from skipping to running in place… and all the way up to double unders if you’re feeling ambitious!

Are you up for it!?  Let me know in a comment if you’re in!

Nutrition Challenge ~ Boost that B12!

Nutrition Challenge ~ Boost that B12!

Do you get enough vitamin B12 in your diet? Many people – especially those who eat a plant-based diet – struggle to get enough.

Vitamin B12 is a powerful energy and mood booster – just look at the label of any energy drink or supplement and you’ll be amazed at how many B vitamins they contain!

It also helps keep our brains and hearts healthy, aids in digestion, and plays a role in red blood cell development and curbing anemia. 

This week we’re going to make sure we’re getting enough B12 from whole food sources! 

The daily recommended amount for adults is 2.4 micrograms (mcg) a day – although pregnant women need more. 

Because B12 is most prevalent in animal products, people who eat a vegan diet can struggle to get enough, as can people who have problems absorbing nutrients when they digest food. 

Top sources include:

❤️Organ meats (a 3.5-oz serving can contain more than 1,000 percent of the RDI)

🐟Wild-caught salmon

🐂Grass-fed beef


Nutritional yeast can be a good plant-based source – ¼ cup contains 290 percent of the RDI. Sprinkle it over your veggies for a tasty and healthy B12 boost.

 This week, your challenge is to consume at least 2.4 mcg of B12 EACH day this week!! 

Here’s a great site that’ll show you exactly how much B12 is in the foods your eating, so you can tally your numbers:


Are you in? Let us know!