This Fun Fact Kind Of Freaked Me Out!!

This Fun Fact Kind Of Freaked Me Out!!

Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well during these unprescedented and trying times!  In the midst of the Coronavirus right now, having a strong and healthy immune system is more important than ever! 

There are steps you can take to make yourself healthier, and I’ve got a great series that focuses on a super important part of your immune health: your gut! 

There has been a LOT of buzz about “gut health” lately … and for a very good reason. 

Your gut health doesn’t affect just your digestion (although that’s super important) … but also your heart, your brain, your immune system, and even your mood. 

And with a global pandemic happening, it seems like a good time to focus even more on our overall wellness! 

You have about 100 trillion (!!!) microbes living in your gut right now. And there are about 1,000 different species of known gut bacteria. 

(Fun Fact #1: if you were to weigh all the bacteria in your gut, they would weigh over 4 lbs (2 kg))! 

Some of these bacteria are your personal army of helpers, digesting your food, making energy, and keeping your immune system strong. 

And others are not-so-good, linked with digestive upset, inflammation, obesity, and even conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and asthma. 

As you can imagine, you want to make sure your gut stays in balance, with more of the good guys than the bad guys! 

YOU have the power to do just that with your food and lifestyle choices! 

But now for fun fact #2 … your individual gut microbiome is like your fingerprint. 

No one else’s is exactly the same. 

All of us share about one-third of the same microbiota makeup – but two-thirds of your microbiota “fingerprint” are unique to YOU! 

Even though we all have our own unique gut microbiome, the basic guidelines for keeping it in balance work for nearly everyone! 

I’m going to be sharing a LOT more info about all of this in the coming weeks, but here’s a quick gut health checklist to get you started: 

  1. Make sure you’re getting enough fiber, including insoluble fiber. These fibers are what the good bacteria in your small intestine like to feed on.
  2. Eat fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut, because they contain healthy bacteria that can replenish your gut microbiome. This is especially true if you have taken antibiotics, which can affect the balance of your gut bacteria.
  3. Avoid processed foods and sugar. The bad-guy bacteria like to feed on these!
  4. Cut stress. Meditate, journal, go outside for some fresh air.  There’s a direct connection (your vagus nerve) between your brain and your gut, each affecting the other!
  5. Get regular exercise. The more active you are, the happier your gut microbiome is!
  6. Get enough sleep. When your sleep is disrupted, so are the good bacteria in your microbiome. And vice versa!


It’s amazing how everything works together, isn’t it? 

Speaking of working together … you can still schedule a phone/online consult! 

Now more than ever it’s a good time to DIG IN and stay focused on our health!

Healthy Immune System!

Healthy Immune System!

⚡With all the news about the coronavirus pandemic, it’s easy to feel powerless over your health. 🍎But there actually are some steps you can take to help your immune system in top shape.
🏃‍♂️Taking action goes a LONG way toward moving you from overwhelmed to empowered.
🥦I’ve got a list of healthy immune-boosting actions you can take to get back that sense of control. 
NOTE: Remember, it’s still super important to follow prevention guidelines for handwashing and avoiding people who are sick …. even if you follow these steps!
Get enough sleep. This can help improve your body’s natural immune function. Aim for 7-8 hours a night.
Keep up with your fitness routine. Moderate to intense workouts lasting under an hour help boost your immune system both immediately and in the long run. Keep an eye out for some at home exercises!
Cut back on your stress with scheduled downtime and breathing exercises. Chronic stress appears to wear down your immune system, which can make you more vulnerable to illness. 
Eat a healthy & balanced diet that’s low in sugar. A balanced diet that contains veggies, fruits, and healthy fats is rich in antioxidants and micronutrients that support your immune system.
Stay hydrated. Drinking enough water makes it easier for your cells to do their job – plus allows your body to more easily process food and eliminate waste. Shoot for at least 8 8-ounce glasses a day.
Get It Done!!

Get It Done!!

Get It Done!!


Do you have a growing to-do list? Are there a couple items on there that never seem to get checked off!? They stare at you every day…. but still you’re not able to get them done?

This week we are going to change that!

Doesn’t it feel SO GOOD to cross things off your list!? ✅

Maybe you’ve been meaning to drop off a bag of clothes at Goodwill, or sweep off the porch, clean out the fridge, take the car in for an oil change (!!!), sort through that pile of papers on your desk, organize a drawer or schedule a doctor’s appointment.

Or maybe it’s simply to put away some luggage that’s been kicking around since your last vacation.

All of those little things can add up to a whole pile of stress that you don’t even notice any more! But trust me: once that stress is gone, you’ll feel a whole lot better.

Your assignment this week is to GET IT DONE.

Just ONE thing!

This is a GREAT gift to give yourself.

Are you in for the challenge!? What tasks have been looming around on your list?!

If you’re in, share ONE thing you’re committing to getting knocked off your to-do list this week!!

Detox from Stress Challenge!

Detox from Stress Challenge!

Detox from Stress Challenge!

The statistics are staggering… (from

• 77% REGULARLY experience physical symptoms caused by stress
• 33% believe they are living with extreme stress
• 48% feel their stress has increased over the past five years
• 48% have sleeping issues due to stress
• $300 BILLION – annual costs to employers for employee stress-related health care and missed work

Chemicals your body produces when you are under stress turn on or off genes that change everything from how fast you age to whether or not you might develop cancer.

Scary, isn’t it? Stress is one of those invisible toxins your body faces every single day.

The GREAT news…is this: “People are disturbed not by a thing, but by their perception of a thing.” -Epictetus

This means- it’s ALL about how you look and perceive the situation. There are a number of things that you can do to help “detox” from stress and shift into a more positive and healing state:

• Try looking at things from a new perspective. Instead of focusing on what’s “wrong” – focus on what’s RIGHT!
• Find hobbies you enjoy to keep your mind from dwelling on problems.
• Sweat away stress by exercising!
• Positive affirmations, journaling, and meditation
• Focus on being proactive and positive – be a fighter rather than a victim.
• Learn to say NO and respect your limits. Stop trying to please everyone.
• Get rid of excess sugars & caffeine.
• Have sex.
• A hot bath is highly stress relieving.
• Listen to awesome music!

Or you could just get a puppy … The point is, choices are many.

Let’s take a step towards balance this week.

Are you committed to looking at things a little differently and intentionally reducing your stress levels?




This week’s challenge can feel almost like a guilty pleasure … although I promise you, there’s absolutely no reason to feel guilty about it.

Your challenge is to spend 15-20 minutes at the end of each day stretching or doing some mobility/recovery work (like foam rolling). Or, you can find a soothing yoga routine and do that instead!

At first, you might wonder how you’re going to find 15 minutes to get this done, but once you realize how much better it makes you feel, you’ll find yourself looking forward to it… and might actually make this a non-negotiable after this challenge is over!

When I stretch out in the evening, sometimes I’ll listen to music, other times to my favorite podcasts or audiobooks, and although I’m not a tv fan, you may choose to watch your favorite series.

The reason we’re doing this challenge is because stretching before bed will help you reconnect with your body and focus on areas that might need a little extra TLC from the day.

You’ll head to bed rested and relaxed.

Looking for a routine to get you started? Try this before-bed yoga sequence:

Are you in? Let us know in the comments!

Yours in good health,
Health Coach & AFAA Certified Personal Trainer
(508) 523-6143