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Do You Know Beans

Beans a Powerful plant protein
(plus cooking tips!)

“I was determined to know beans.”— Henry David Thoreau, The Bean-Field

How about you? How well do you know beans?

Creamy cannellinis, meaty garbanzos, sweet adzuki, tender pintos, and so many more—beans are one of the most powerful, nutrient-dense plant foods around.

Consider this: Beans are packed with tons of fiber, as well as plenty of iron and protein. They are rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients. They are low in calories.
Plus, studies have found them to lower risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

What To Do With Beans
Many people avoid beans because they just don’t know what to do with them. Are you one of them? Keep reading:

If you’re new to cooking with beans, try these tips for delicious and well-cooked beans.


Yours in good health,
Health Coach & AFAA Certified Personal Trainer
(508) 523-6143

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