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I Am Grateful

I love this week’s challenge because it puts everything into perspective … and I think you’ll love it for that reason, too.

Each night before bed – or each morning when you wake up – take a few minutes and write down 5 things you’re grateful for.

It doesn’t have to be a fancy or “profound” list. Just the simple act of thinking about the people, events, and things that you appreciate in your life can be a very powerful exercise.

Love your Egyptian cotton sheets because they make you feel like you’re sleeping on a cloud? Write that down. Love the way your dog looks at you when he gets up from a nap? Journal it! Had a great conversation with a family member today? You know the drill….

Gratitude brings a LOT of benefits into your life, including improved mental and physical health, self-esteem, better sleep, and mental strength.

A while back, I went to an amazing restaurant in San Diego called the Cafe Gratitude (100% vegan & organic)  If you find yourself in California, look them up ~ I so wish we had one near here!!  The picture above is my breakfast burrito ~ don’t you just love the plate!!  All of the menu items are given a name (ex. coffee is referred to as “couragous”, the burrito I had was called “nurtured”).  When ordering, they prefer that you say “I Am” followed by the name ~ what a great concept, instead of “I want”, my order was “I Am Nurtured”.  My clients will tell you that at the begining of any program they come up with an “I Am” statement for themselves.  This is specific to each person, so it can be whatever they like ~ my suggestions are to keep it relatively short and to the point and of course POSITIVE.

Do you regularly keep a gratitude journal? Are you on board with this gratitude practice this week? Let me know in a comment below! 🙂

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