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Show me the Bell Bottoms!

Show me the Bell Bottoms!

Doesn’t it feel so good to clean out your closet and get rid of those old clothes that are just taking up space!? How about finally letting go of those pants you’ve been hanging on to forever!

It’s time to purge that closet!

Maybe it’s a pair of your favorite old jeans you used to wear every day that have finally worn down.

Or maybe it’s that sweater that is just so comfy but so stretched out it looks like a moo moo.

Your challenge this week is to block off some time to get in there and purge! I promise, you’ll thank me after!

Check out these 7 recommended questions to ask yourself while deciding:

• Does this fit me?
• Have I worn it anytime within the last year?
• Is it likely I’ll ever wear it again?
• Do I feel confident and good about myself when I wear this?
• Does it reflect my style?
• Have I had this for a while and are the tags still on it!?
• If I saw this in the store right now, would I buy it?
If you answer any NO’s on the questions above, then it’s probably time to say goodbye!

Once you’ve decided to break up with those items, take a minute to decide if you should donate or sell them.

Now that you’ve made some extra room in your closet, you just may want to go out and get something new!

It feels GREAT to get rid of old things.

Are you ready to say adios to some of those dusty clothes?

Post a picture of something you’re purging in a comment below!

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