This week is a challenge that I both love  and dread all at the same time!

We’re going to raid our ENTIRE KITCHEN – getting rid of anything that we no longer need, use, or that isn’t serving our health and fitness goals.

So let’s get started!

Let’s start with the pantry…. And go through every shelf and toss anything that’s expired, questionable (hey, it happens!), or is overly processed.

Then, you’ll move to your kitchen cabinets and drawers and do the same thing.

Lastly, you’ll put on your “it’s go time” face, and get busy with your refrigerator and freezer!

Personally, I like to do each area one at a time, raiding it and then giving each area a little scrub-down as I go.

Have a question about how long you should keep foods? Here’s an awesome chart you can download:


Once you’re done cleaning everything out, take a few minutes to assess what’s left and see what you need to restock in your kitchen!

This may not sound fun- but I PROMISE when you’re done, your soul will be happy 🙂

Yours in good health,Heather Vroman FitEffex Health and Fitness Coach Worcester Metrowest
Health Coach & AFAA Certified Personal Trainer
(508) 523-6143


Get Ninja in Your Kitchen!

Get Ninja in Your Kitchen!

Get Ninja in Your Kitchen!

You read your labels, pass on the office deserts, and walk past the cookie isle at the store…..only to find that there are hidden sugars and additives lurking in your refrigerator and cabinets.

Unless you’re following a 100% whole foods diet or are super-careful reading your labels, there’s a good chance you’ve got some sugar hiding in your food.

The food industry knows just what to put in our food to keep us always wanting more…fat, salt, sugar, and additives to preserve it and make it taste better!

When these ingredients are added to packaged foods, it manipulates your taste buds to make you want them even more.

This week, I want you to go hunting in your kitchen for some guilty ingredients!

If you’ve got anything that contains any of these ingredients below, I’m challenging you to replace them with a healthier option!

• Additives like: MSG, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed protein, sodium caseinate, yeast nutrient, natural flavoring
• Trans-Fats: hydrogenated oil, partially hydrogenated oil or fractionated oil
• Artificial Sweeteners: HFCF, aspartame, saccharin, sucralose
• Preservatives: BHA, BHT

Your challenge this week is to get into those cabinets and inside your fridge and get rid of anything that contains any of the ingredients listed above.

If you want to check out a great article to find out and learn more about the damage that these ingredients can cause to your body, here’s a great article: https://draxe.com/worst-ingredients/

Are you up for the challenge of “fall cleaning” your kitchen!?

Post a picture of any items you found hiding in your cabinets before you toss it!

Are you up for the challenge? Let us know in a comment below!

Yours in good health,Heather Vroman FitEffex Health and Fitness Coach Worcester Metrowest
Health Coach & AFAA Certified Personal Trainer
(508) 523-6143

Show me the Bell Bottoms!

Show me the Bell Bottoms!

Show me the Bell Bottoms!

Doesn’t it feel so good to clean out your closet and get rid of those old clothes that are just taking up space!? How about finally letting go of those pants you’ve been hanging on to forever!

It’s time to purge that closet!

Maybe it’s a pair of your favorite old jeans you used to wear every day that have finally worn down.

Or maybe it’s that sweater that is just so comfy but so stretched out it looks like a moo moo.

Your challenge this week is to block off some time to get in there and purge! I promise, you’ll thank me after!

Check out these 7 recommended questions to ask yourself while deciding:

• Does this fit me?
• Have I worn it anytime within the last year?
• Is it likely I’ll ever wear it again?
• Do I feel confident and good about myself when I wear this?
• Does it reflect my style?
• Have I had this for a while and are the tags still on it!?
• If I saw this in the store right now, would I buy it?
If you answer any NO’s on the questions above, then it’s probably time to say goodbye!

Once you’ve decided to break up with those items, take a minute to decide if you should donate or sell them.

Now that you’ve made some extra room in your closet, you just may want to go out and get something new!

It feels GREAT to get rid of old things.

Are you ready to say adios to some of those dusty clothes?

Post a picture of something you’re purging in a comment below!