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Tips from Heather

Great healthy tips, recipes, and challenges for both your mind, body, and soul.  Browse our posts and images or use our search feature.  Have a healthy day.

Fruit, Nuts & Coconut Whipped Cream

Fruit, Nuts & Coconut Whipped Cream

Fruit, Nuts & Coconut Whipped Cream 1 C chopped walnuts or mixed nuts 4 C fresh berries or fruit of choice Mix together and top with whipped coconut cream!!   For Coconut cream ~ in a chilled bowl, whip 14 oz full fat coconut milk, 1 Tbsp organic sugar, 1/2...


A FRUITASTIC CHALLENGE! FRUIT! It’s like nature’s candy, isn’t it? So sweet and delicious … and yet so good for you! This week, your challenge is to eat fruit – preferably fresh or unsweetened, frozen fruit, and NO FRUIT JUICES – every day. Men should aim for 2 cups...

Grilled Peach, Blueberry and Arugula Pasta Salad

Grilled Peach, Blueberry and Arugula Pasta Salad INGREDIENTS: FOR THE DRESSING: 1/4 C olive oil 1/4 C lemon juice 4 tsp. dijon mustard 2 garlic cloves, minced ** another option for the dressing would be to eliminate the lemon juice, mustard and garlic. Instead add 2...


MOONLIGHT CHALLENGE Reach for the stars! That’s our wellness challenge this week – to spend some time stargazing. Do you know that feeling of awe you get when you look up at the stars... is actually GOOD for you? It’s true! It can help us become kinder and more...

Practice Yoga Breathing

Practice Yoga Breathing 10 Minutes a Day Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or tired? Need to add a little zen into your day? Well... lucky for us there’s a guaranteed way to bring calm to our bodies - and it’s all about how you breathe. In fact, you can energize or relax...

How To Do A Burpee

How To Do A Burpee From a standing position, squat down and bend over to place your hands in front of you on the floor (shoulder width apart.) Stabilize your body with your arms and kick your feet back behind you landing in a straight arm plank position. Then, tuck...

Do Your Least Favorite Exercise!

Do Your Least Favorite Exercise! Ladder up... 5 first day, 10, and so on for the week! Do you have an exercise you just can’t stand doing? One that you really dislike? Guess what? Usually the exercises you most dread are the ones you need the most because they...

Sweet Potato & Black Bean Bowl

Sweet Potato & Black Bean Bowl   Ingredients: 1 baked sweet potatoe, skin removed * 1/2 C organic black beans 1/4 C pico de gallo 1/4 C guacamole   Directions: Put sweet potatoe in bowl and mash.  Top with remaining ingredients.  Super easy &...

Cherry Pie Crumble Bars

Cherry Pie Crumble Bars (Servings 12) Ingredients: For the Dough: • 3/4 cup chopped walnuts • 2 cups gluten free oat flour (I make my own by putting oats in blender) • 1 cup quick oats • 1/4 teaspoon salt • 1/2 cup maple syrup • 1/2 cup coconut oil For the Cherry...

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