Welcome to the RECONNECTION CHALLENGE!   This week, we’re going to keep it simple… but simple doesn’t always mean easy. . We’re going to check in with a family member or old friend. It could be a simple text, instant message, or email …. or even an actual phone...
Holiday Recipe Exchange Challenge!

Holiday Recipe Exchange Challenge!

Holiday Recipe Exchange Challenge! It’s holiday time! It’s the season for pumpkin spiced lattes, eggnog, cookie exchanges, and holiday parties. It’s that time of year when people splurge a little too often and pay the price with tighter pants and stomach aches. Let’s...
Fit for the 4th!!  

Fit for the 4th!!  

Fit for the 4th!!   Warm-up and cool down for 5-10 minutes each Complete 2 Rounds for Time 200 meter run 20 crab toe touches 30 Cross body Mountain Climbers 40 Squat Jumps 50 Jump Rope 40 Russian Twists 30 1-legged hip bridges (15/side) 20 Hand Release Push Ups 10...