This Fun Fact Kind Of Freaked Me Out!!

This Fun Fact Kind Of Freaked Me Out!!

Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well during these unprescedented and trying times!  In the midst of the Coronavirus right now, having a strong and healthy immune system is more important than ever! 

There are steps you can take to make yourself healthier, and I’ve got a great series that focuses on a super important part of your immune health: your gut! 

There has been a LOT of buzz about “gut health” lately … and for a very good reason. 

Your gut health doesn’t affect just your digestion (although that’s super important) … but also your heart, your brain, your immune system, and even your mood. 

And with a global pandemic happening, it seems like a good time to focus even more on our overall wellness! 

You have about 100 trillion (!!!) microbes living in your gut right now. And there are about 1,000 different species of known gut bacteria. 

(Fun Fact #1: if you were to weigh all the bacteria in your gut, they would weigh over 4 lbs (2 kg))! 

Some of these bacteria are your personal army of helpers, digesting your food, making energy, and keeping your immune system strong. 

And others are not-so-good, linked with digestive upset, inflammation, obesity, and even conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and asthma. 

As you can imagine, you want to make sure your gut stays in balance, with more of the good guys than the bad guys! 

YOU have the power to do just that with your food and lifestyle choices! 

But now for fun fact #2 … your individual gut microbiome is like your fingerprint. 

No one else’s is exactly the same. 

All of us share about one-third of the same microbiota makeup – but two-thirds of your microbiota “fingerprint” are unique to YOU! 

Even though we all have our own unique gut microbiome, the basic guidelines for keeping it in balance work for nearly everyone! 

I’m going to be sharing a LOT more info about all of this in the coming weeks, but here’s a quick gut health checklist to get you started: 

  1. Make sure you’re getting enough fiber, including insoluble fiber. These fibers are what the good bacteria in your small intestine like to feed on.
  2. Eat fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut, because they contain healthy bacteria that can replenish your gut microbiome. This is especially true if you have taken antibiotics, which can affect the balance of your gut bacteria.
  3. Avoid processed foods and sugar. The bad-guy bacteria like to feed on these!
  4. Cut stress. Meditate, journal, go outside for some fresh air.  There’s a direct connection (your vagus nerve) between your brain and your gut, each affecting the other!
  5. Get regular exercise. The more active you are, the happier your gut microbiome is!
  6. Get enough sleep. When your sleep is disrupted, so are the good bacteria in your microbiome. And vice versa!


It’s amazing how everything works together, isn’t it? 

Speaking of working together … you can still schedule a phone/online consult! 

Now more than ever it’s a good time to DIG IN and stay focused on our health!

Hold the Sugar!!!

Hold the Sugar!!!

Hold the Sugar!!!

Do you know how much sugar you eat during the day?  Have you ever checked?

There is an easy way to do that: write down everything you eat during the day (be honest!), and then use ingredient labels or simply Google how many grams of sugar each food has and count.

The World Health Organization recommends about 25g (or less!) added sugar per day.

This is because excess sugar intake can spike your blood sugar levels, cause you to feel more hungry, have mood swings, store excess fat, and worse… can cause diabetes and a whole host of other issues.

Think you may be consuming too much sugar? Here are a few ways you can reduce your daily sugar consumption:

  • Be more aware of what’s in the food you’re eating by reading the labels.
  • Drink more water, especially when you feel like snacking (because cravings could be a sign of dehydration!)
  • Try using coconut sugar instead of regular table sugar (which won’t raise blood sugar nearly as fast).
  • Have healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner (so you’ll be less hungry afterwards and won’t go around hunting for snacks.)
  • Try preparing your meals at home instead of eating out, because that’s one of the surest ways to control what you are eating.

So let’s kick this inflammation-causing fire-starter to the curb and not invite it into your body in the first place.

This week’s challenge is to keep added sugars to UNDER 25 grams per day, each day this week!   Sugar that is naturally occurring in the whole foods that you’re eating is ok.

But this means that any recipe that has “sugar” in it should get shuffled to the back of the box!  This also means you need to limit the sugar in your coffee and check EVERY label of everything you’re eating this week!

Are you in for this not-so-sweet challenge this week!?  Let me know in a comment below!
Yours in good health,Heather Vroman FitEffex Health and Fitness Coach Worcester Metrowest
Health Coach & AFAA Certified Personal Trainer
(508) 523-6143

Suffering from the Sugar Blues?

Suffering from the Sugar Blues?

Suffering from the Sugar Blues?

Are you constantly craving sweets and want to understand why?

Do you want to gain control without deprivation?


Please join:

FitEffex Fitness & Nutrition

Heather Vroman

Health Coach & AFAA Certified Personal Trainer


for a free lecture on

Saturday, April 30th

9-10:30 a.m.

Marathon Sports

White City, Shrewsbury, MA

For details, please call 508-523-6143