Taste the Rainbow ….. Every Day!

Taste the Rainbow ….. Every Day!

Taste the Rainbow ….. Every Day!

Your challenge this week is to eat all the colors of the rainbow, each and every day of the week!

With so many amazing fruits and vegetables to choose from, why settle for the same ones all of the time!?

Out of habit, we frequently make the same choices each week.

Time to switch it up! Different color fruits and veggies mean all different kinds of vitamins and minerals!

With all of the different options to choose from, this should be easy… (plus it’s a lot of fun for kids!)

Here are a few ideas to help you out!

• Orange/Yellow – High in vitamin A and C to improve immunity. Try pumpkin, oranges, pepper, cantaloupe, mango, squash, sweet potato, papaya, pineapple, carrots and lemon.
• Blue/Purple – Containing phytonutrients that help with memory and reduce the risk of disease. Try prunes, eggplant, plums, raisins, grapes, blueberries, and blackberries.
• Green – Contain nutrients that help improve vision and reduce risk of disease. They’re loaded with Vitamin K, Calcium, and lots of other amazing nutrients. Try spinach, asparagus, bok choy, kale, spinach, kiwi, artichoke, honeydew, celery, arugula, and collard greens.
• Red – Contain lycopene and other heart-healthy compounds and are loaded with antioxidants! Try strawberries, tomato, pepper, apples, raspberries, cherries, watermelon, beets, pomegranate, and red onion.
• White – Contain nutrients to promote heart health and reduce risk of disease. Try cauliflower, banana, potato, parsnips, jicama, garlic, mushrooms, and onion.

Your challenge this week is to eat at least 4-5 different color fruits and veggies EVERY single day this week!

Have fun and try some new things that you’ve never had before. Now get to the store and grab your rainbow 😉

Are you in for our challenge this week? Show us your pictures to let us know that you’re in on the challenge!