Say NO to Prepackaged Food

Say NO to Prepackaged Food

Say NO to Prepackaged Food for the Entire Week! Easy and convenient? Sure. Loading your body with preservatives and other chemicals? Probably. Worth it? Nope. This is something we talk about all of the time! With a little preparation, you can have a LOT of healthier...
Water Only Challenge!!

Water Only Challenge!!

Water Only Challenge!! “If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” – Loren Eiseley We all know that drinking water is good for us, yet far too many people are walking around dehydrated! This shows up in so many ways from dry skin, to headaches,...
Plank Challenge

Plank Challenge

The “plank” is one of the single greatest exercises out there- mainly because if you learn how to do this correctly, you’ll be able to keep a proper spinal position and core stability in just about every other exercise you do. Nearly every exercise you perform will...