“CHECK IT OFF” CHALLENGE! Ever feel like you’re in “overwhelm” mode, trying to remember the million and one things you have to do? Welcome to this week’s challenge – the “Check It Off” Challenge! This one’s all about getting organized and finally getting stuff DONE....
Practice Yoga Breathing

Practice Yoga Breathing

Practice Yoga Breathing 10 Minutes a Day Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or tired? Need to add a little zen into your day? Well… lucky for us there’s a guaranteed way to bring calm to our bodies – and it’s all about how you breathe. In fact, you can...
Detox from Stress Challenge!

Detox from Stress Challenge!

Detox from Stress Challenge! The statistics are staggering… (from www.stress.org/) • 77% REGULARLY experience physical symptoms caused by stress • 33% believe they are living with extreme stress • 48% feel their stress has increased over the past five years • 48% have...
Posture Challenge

Posture Challenge

Posture Challenge Your posture has a VERY powerful impact on how you act and feel – how deeply you breathe, your energy levels, and believe it or not….. even your level of confidence! (and the list goes on.) This week, we’re going to hone in on our posture and pay...


COMPLIMENT A STRANGER   This week, we have a fun and uplifting challenge: every day we will give a genuine compliment to at least one complete stranger! This challenge is awesome because it has a triple-whammy effect. First, you’re giving the person you’re...