Holiday Recipe Exchange Challenge!

It’s holiday time! It’s the season for pumpkin spiced lattes, eggnog, cookie exchanges, and holiday parties.

It’s that time of year when people splurge a little too often and pay the price with tighter pants and stomach aches.

Let’s all support each other this year by sharing some great healthier options to some of your favorite holiday treats.

Your challenge this week is to share 1 great recipe that’s a healthier alternative to a popular indulgent holiday treat!

Here are a few ideas to get you started!

– Healthier holiday cookies:
– All sorts of great holiday options: (click on the blue links!)
– More great options:
– Healthy holiday sides:
Are you in for the challenge this week!?

Share your recipe on the FitEffex Facebook Page!!

I can’t wait to see what you come up with!! Give some of these recipes a try 🙂