Your 20 Minute Challenge!!

Your 20 Minute Challenge!!

Your 20 Minute Challenge!! Welcome to one of my favorite challenges EVER! The 20 MINUTE FRESH AIR CHALLENGE! Every day this week, let’s get outside for AT LEAST 20 MINUTES EVERY DAY to load up on some Vitamin D and enjoy the outdoors! Let’s lace up those walking shoes...


MOONLIGHT CHALLENGE Reach for the stars! That’s our wellness challenge this week – to spend some time stargazing. Do you know that feeling of awe you get when you look up at the stars… is actually GOOD for you? It’s true! It can help us become kinder and more...
Spring Clean Your Closets and Drawers!

Spring Clean Your Closets and Drawers!

Spring Clean Your Closets and Drawers It’s SPRING TIME and you know what that means 🙂 Time for a little freshening up and spring cleaning! Love this quote: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” – William...