This week’s challenge sounds easy, but it can be really challenging.

It’s all about being PRESENT and ENGAGED in the CURRENT MOMENT. And that means stepping away – at least momentarily – from distractions and other things that pull your awareness out of the present moment.

You know: distractions like your phone, that Facebook message that just popped up, the to-do list you’re constantly checking off in your mind, or any one of the 1,001 other things that pull your attention away from what’s happening at this very moment.

Speaking of which, what IS happening around you right this very moment?

Take a moment to notice, and then start paying attention to your breathing and how your body is feeling.

Chances are, just slowing down for a few seconds helped reduce your stress levels, didn’t it?

Carve out some time this week to be PRESENT. Maybe you can try my idea of leaving my phone at home while walking the dog this week and take time to notice your surroundings when you’re outside.

Shut off the background noise when you’re driving or puttering around the house. Allow yourself to fully notice and relish the very moment you’re living.

When you’re eating, shut off the TV or computer, and really focus on the amazing and delicious food in front of you.

And, if you’re feeling like it this week, set aside some time to meditate. This can be as simple as sitting in silence for 5 minutes, focusing on your breath, or as complicated as downloading an app and following a guided meditation.

How and when are YOU going to take some time to focus on being present this week? Let’s hold each other accountable, shall we? What do you think?




When you think of writing in a journal, do you think of old-fashioned “Dear Diary” entries, where you record boring details of your daily life?

We’ll, it’s not about that. For some people, journaling can be life-changing. In fact, here are a few reasons you should consider it:

1. Journaling creates mindfulness. Writing for 15-20 minutes each day can be like meditation for many people.

2. Journaling helps us to gain perspective. Writing about ideas we have or emotions we’re feeling really helps us take a step back and see them as part of the bigger picture. Journaling helps us reflect on our lives and experiences that we have to gain insight, perspective, and grow.

3. Journaling can help connect you with your “inner self.” When you journal on a consistent basis, many people notice how much more connected they feel… not only to themselves, but to the world around them.

4. Journaling can help build self-discipline and, as a result, your self-confidence. Staying consistent by writing daily is not only training you to keep your word, but also every small achievement is fuel to accomplishing others.

5. Sometimes you just need to GET IT OUT! Writing can be a great way to do this!

6. When you’re a little older, it brings back great memories for you to skim through your old journals and see the younger version of yourself and how far you’ve come.

Those are just a few of the benefits, and you’ll likely find out many more yourself.

TIP: Sometimes people will sit down and have no idea what to write about! Start by keeping it simple and light if you want to. No reason to share your whole life story all at once! Even just writing for 5 minutes a day is a great place to start 🙂

One place I really like to start is talking about what I’m grateful for that day. This really helps to start off with a positive perspective. Also- I’m a big fan of putting pen to paper- but if you’re not, there are a few great apps out there to check out.

Who here ALREADY journals!?!? If you don’t, are you up for this challenge!? Let me know below!