Water Only Challenge!!

Water Only Challenge!!

Water Only Challenge!! “If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” – Loren Eiseley We all know that drinking water is good for us, yet far too many people are walking around dehydrated! This shows up in so many ways from dry skin, to headaches,...
Get Some Sunshine!!

Get Some Sunshine!!

Get Some Sunshine!! This week, let’s talk about Vitamin D!  It’s incredibly important because it helps to support your immune system and keep you healthy. It also helps keep your brain healthy, bones strong, fights against depression, and a whole lot of other...
Detox Bath

Detox Bath

Our bodies are champs at detoxifying naturally. However, with the amount of pollutants and chemicals floating around these days, it can be really beneficial to give your body a little help from time to time. Detox baths have been around for centuries and are used all...
Just Breathe

Just Breathe

Just Brethe It’s a good thing we DON’T have control over many of the things that go on in our bodies. We get so busy, that we probably would have died a long time ago because we would absolutely have gotten distracted and have forgotten to BREATHE! However- although...
Plank Challenge

Plank Challenge

The “plank” is one of the single greatest exercises out there- mainly because if you learn how to do this correctly, you’ll be able to keep a proper spinal position and core stability in just about every other exercise you do. Nearly every exercise you perform will...
Hold the Sugar!!!

Hold the Sugar!!!

Hold the Sugar!!! Do you know how much sugar you eat during the day?  Have you ever checked? There is an easy way to do that: write down everything you eat during the day (be honest!), and then use ingredient labels or simply Google how many grams of sugar each food...