MOONLIGHT CHALLENGE Reach for the stars! That’s our wellness challenge this week – to spend some time stargazing. Do you know that feeling of awe you get when you look up at the stars… is actually GOOD for you? It’s true! It can help us become kinder and more...
Practice Yoga Breathing

Practice Yoga Breathing

Practice Yoga Breathing 10 Minutes a Day Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or tired? Need to add a little zen into your day? Well… lucky for us there’s a guaranteed way to bring calm to our bodies – and it’s all about how you breathe. In fact, you can...
Do Your Least Favorite Exercise!

Do Your Least Favorite Exercise!

Do Your Least Favorite Exercise! Ladder up… 5 first day, 10, and so on for the week! Do you have an exercise you just can’t stand doing? One that you really dislike? Guess what? Usually the exercises you most dread are the ones you need the most because they...
Law of Attraction Challenge

Law of Attraction Challenge

Law of Attraction Challenge Are you following the law? The law of attraction, that is! On the surface, it can seem a little woo-woo, but the underlying principles are undeniable. Do you ever find yourself wishing you had a different job, a satisfying relationship,...
Spring Clean Your Closets and Drawers!

Spring Clean Your Closets and Drawers!

Spring Clean Your Closets and Drawers It’s SPRING TIME and you know what that means 🙂 Time for a little freshening up and spring cleaning! Love this quote: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” – William...