Smile More

Smile More

Smile More Ever walk down the street and look at the other people on the sidewalk? How often do you see anyone genuinely smiling? Most of the time, I see people buried in their cell phones sending text messages and not even looking up at the people right in front of...
Water Only Challenge!!

Water Only Challenge!!

Water Only Challenge!! “If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” – Loren Eiseley We all know that drinking water is good for us, yet far too many people are walking around dehydrated! This shows up in so many ways from dry skin, to headaches,...
Detox Bath

Detox Bath

Our bodies are champs at detoxifying naturally. However, with the amount of pollutants and chemicals floating around these days, it can be really beneficial to give your body a little help from time to time. Detox baths have been around for centuries and are used all...
Just Breathe

Just Breathe

Just Brethe It’s a good thing we DON’T have control over many of the things that go on in our bodies. We get so busy, that we probably would have died a long time ago because we would absolutely have gotten distracted and have forgotten to BREATHE! However- although...
Super Power Workout

Super Power Workout

Warm-up and cool down for 5-10 minutes each   Complete 10 Rounds for Time! 10 Super Man Burpees 10 Flutter Kicks 1-1 10 Full Sit Ups 10 Plank Jacks 10 Super hero lunges 1-1 10 Reverse Crunch 10 Full Sit Up 10 Russian Twist 1-1 100 M Run 10 Wide Push...