What’s in your BHAG??

What’s in your BHAG??

Can you believe we’re about to start the second this year already!? I certainly can’t! It’s the perfect time of year to talk about BHAG’s. What is that? Simple – Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals. 🐻🐻 These are the kind of goals that get you REALLY...
Fitness Challenge ~ Tabatas

Fitness Challenge ~ Tabatas

Fitness Challenge ~ Tabatas If you’re looking to improve your fitness, lose body fat and live a longer life, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a HUGE tool to put in your fitness toolbox! And Tabata is a fun and fast way to get it DONE! That’s why this week I...
Conquer the Spice Rack!

Conquer the Spice Rack!

Conquer the Spice Rack! [Question for you!] What can add tons of flavor while at the same time help to maintain your blood sugar AND reduce inflammation…. all without adding a single calorie!? Spices and herbs! This week we’re going to show our spice racks some love...
Get It Done!!

Get It Done!!

Get It Done!!   Do you have a growing to-do list? Are there a couple items on there that never seem to get checked off!? They stare at you every day…. but still you’re not able to get them done? This week we are going to change that! Doesn’t it feel SO GOOD to...