Get It Done!!

Get It Done!!

Get It Done!!   Do you have a growing to-do list? Are there a couple items on there that never seem to get checked off!? They stare at you every day…. but still you’re not able to get them done? This week we are going to change that! Doesn’t it feel SO GOOD to...
Boost Your Breakfast!

Boost Your Breakfast!

BOOST YOUR BREAKFAST!! Quick! What food group can help fill you up with fiber, boost your health with minerals, phytonutrients and vitamins, AND is incredibly nutrient dense – packing a whole bunch of nutrition into very few calories!? Answer: Vegetables!! This week...
Insight Challenge: The 5 “Whys”

Insight Challenge: The 5 “Whys”

Insight Challenge: The 5 “Whys”   This week we have one of my favorite goal-setting and problem-solving challenges. It’s fun, thought-provoking, and the results can help keep you on-track in a BIG way. It’s all about asking yourself “why!” This little exercise is...